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Ray Suhy/ Six Feet Under

""The EMG 57/66 set has everything I've ever looked for in pickups. Lots of meaty midrange in the bridge position and a neck pickup that's super articulate for lead work yet round and warm for clean playing. They bring out the best tonal qualities of my Vigier guitars and add a character that only EMG pickups can deliver. I can't imagine using anything else! Thank you EMG for making a remarkable product!""

Ray Suhy of Six Feet Under and Cannabis Corpse has been slowly carving his name out in the guitar community since he first appeared on the scene in the 00's touring with his band Colepitz. Ray's unique, jazz-influenced shred is greatly helped along by the meatiness and clarity of his EMG 57/66 set. They provide all the warmth and definition he needs whether tearing up stages playing death metal with Six Feet Under and Cannabis Corpse, sitting in on jazz gigs and recordings with the likes of Nels Cline and Matthew Shipp or creating intensely technical jazz fusion with Suhy, Silvergold and Alvarado.

Look for Ray on tour this year with Six Feet Under and for new records from both Cannabis Corpse and Six Feet Under.
